Seriously, ABE ??????
December 08, 2011 at 11:35PM View BBCode
So I've noted some of the mathematical inconsistencies in ABE's injury formula in [url=]this[/url] thread.
One of my examples in that thread was [url=]Jason Conti[/url] who had, at the first writing, experienced five injuries in 800 games. Conti recently returned from his 5th injury and, in his first game back, incurred his sixth career injury .
I'm off to phone bundy to see how he would deal with this .
My daughter suggested I buy a lottery ticket since I seem to be defying enormous mathematical odds but I decided that if I did buy the winning ticket it would instantly burst into flames so I'm going to pass.
December 10, 2011 at 08:17PM View BBCode
And [url=]Conti[/url] returns and plays ten games before going down with his 3rd injury of the year and 7th in 811 games, a rate of 86.3 times per 10,000 which even under injury system 4 is more than 15% higher than the chances a player with health of 8 (74 per 10,000 games).
Conti, of course has a B+ health rating .
December 10, 2011 at 10:05PM View BBCode
I am feeling quite bundied by the whole injury process right now .
It should be a new terminology in SIM, whenever you get horrible improves, bad luck with injuries or get swept in the LCS by a team that finished 16 games behind you in the regular season you should just explain it away as:
"Man, I got bundied " or, more appropriately,
"Dude, I got totally bundied".
December 11, 2011 at 09:20AM View BBCode
Yeah, I was already using that term. So let's make it official?
December 11, 2011 at 04:33PM View BBCode
It's true that many veterans to the site use the term but I think it needs wider distribution, and needs to be moved into mainstream life outside of Sim as well.
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