Change the retirement levels in system 2
February 19, 2013 at 10:32PM View BBCode
I've posted about this many times, to no avail. Currently under system 2 retirement a hitter must get 200 at bats to trigger his return , whereas a pitcher need only appear in 18 games.
As a result of this ludicrous disparity a solid backup like [url=]Goss[/url] will hang them up at age 35, after one of his best statistical years.
On the other hand pitchers like [url=]Graber[/url] are not forced into retirement despite the fact that they did virtually nothing to help their teams.
February 20, 2013 at 04:46PM View BBCode
As a side note, generally I will manipulate a hitter like Goss in the month of September to ensure he reaches 200 at bats but I was in a tight playoff race and couldn't take any chances.
Regardless the disparity between pitchers, who need only appear occasionally, and hitters is far too wide.
I would think lowering the hitter requirement to 162
plate appearances, one per game, would be more realistic and manageable
February 20, 2013 at 05:40PM View BBCode
i think i support this every time you bring it up, too. :)
i don't play in any of these leagues but it seems like an obvious issue with a reasonably simple fix.
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