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A-Rod vs. Jeter

November 02, 2008 at 02:53AM View BBCode

Found in Ted Robinson's [url=]recent MSN blog[/url], I haven't seen the actual Sporting News item,

"THE SPORTING NEWS?polled 16 former big league shortstops, spanning five decades, on Jeter vs. Alex Rodriguez. Eleven picked Jeter, three said it was too close to call and only two chose A-Rod outright."

November 02, 2008 at 06:22AM View BBCode

I propose a duel. Hopefully they'll both lose.

November 02, 2008 at 01:30PM View BBCode

how many of them were phil rizzuto?

November 02, 2008 at 01:35PM View BBCode

Derek Jeter is highly adequate and nothing more. Any argument of Jeter over Rodriguez is inherently ridiculous.

So this is what it takes to get Aaron out of hybernation

November 02, 2008 at 01:58PM View BBCode

A-Rod > Jeter and it is not even close. But Jeter is far more than adequate, considering his offensive stats from the SS position.

November 02, 2008 at 02:48PM View BBCode

Jeter is pretty clearly the most overrated player in MLB. That being said, he's still pretty good. He gets a downgrade in many quarters simply because he's overrated (see syco above). Now, he's not a good shortstop, I think that's pretty clearly understood by most people. Offensively, however, he's a solid number 2 hitter, gets on base at a .380 clip, steals some bases, has a little pop. He's not worthless nor is he average. He deserves to be an all star and I think he probably should have been the MVP in 2006 (and some claim 1998 as well). With all that being said, he's not one of the top ten players at his position in the history of the game. A-Rod, on the other hand is a top ten player at 2 positions at this point.

He's clearly a top 5 shortstop all-time just based on the years he played shortstop, not even counting the past 5 years at 3B. You can argue Wagner, Banks, Ozzie Smith or Arky Vaughn are better than A-Rod as a SS but really, there aren't any others in the mix for the top five.

At 3B he's probably not top 10 yet, at least based on just the past 5 seasons, but I'd certainly argue that he's top 20 at worst and pushing the top 10.

Jeter isnt close to A-Rod.

November 02, 2008 at 03:16PM View BBCode

jeter has a far superior eye for girls.

November 02, 2008 at 04:19PM View formatted

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I voted for Jeter. He is a gamer, clutch, He has a C on his chest and a heart on his sleeve. He is scrappy and has a lot of heart. He is intuitive, remember the play against the A's. The whole team rallies around him and he craves the lime light. When the game is on the line Jeter wants the ball.

November 02, 2008 at 04:28PM View BBCode

Originally posted by bobcat73
He has a C on his chest and a heart on his sleeve.

According to this doctor I met, your heart supposed to be inside your body. He should probably have this checked out, it sounds like a serious medical condition.

November 02, 2008 at 04:44PM View BBCode

Originally posted by bobcat73
He is intuitive, remember the play against the A's.

yes, he's made an entire career on that play in some circles. it was a great heads-up play, and basically won the world series (or the pennant, i forget which season that was exactly) that year. but it doens't mean that he's any kind of a legit defender at SS.

November 02, 2008 at 05:09PM View BBCode

The fact that the play came against the A's should tell you it wasn't the World Series. Hell, it should also tell you that it didn't win the pennant, either -- it was the ALDS. (Billy Beane doesnt win in the playoffs, remember?)

November 02, 2008 at 07:40PM View BBCode

Originally posted by whiskybear
The fact that the play came against the A's should tell you it wasn't the World Series. Hell, it should also tell you that it didn't win the pennant, either -- it was the ALDS. (Billy Beane doesnt win in the playoffs, remember?)

oh yes, i know that it happened in the LDS. but without that play they'd have lost in 3 that series, rather than going on to win the series and whatever else it was they took home that year.

November 02, 2008 at 09:04PM View BBCode

That was 2001, the year they lost in the WS against the D-Backs. I still think that after everything that happened that year, the Yanks "should have" won, but it was a phenomenal series regardless.

November 02, 2008 at 10:46PM View BBCode

Should have? What is this, tiddlywinks? There's no "should have".

November 02, 2008 at 11:02PM View BBCode

Originally posted by barterer2002
He's clearly a top 5 shortstop all-time just based on the years he played shortstop, not even counting the past 5 years at 3B. You can argue Wagner, Banks, Ozzie Smith or Arky Vaughn are better than A-Rod as a SS but really, there aren't any others in the mix for the top five.


November 02, 2008 at 11:08PM View BBCode

Wow, I didn't even notice that. You fail, Bryan. You epic fail.

November 02, 2008 at 11:15PM View BBCode

also, this whole thread is a nonissue. Not only is A-Rod a way better offensive player than Jeter, Jeter shouldve moved to 3rd when A-Rod got to NY.

November 02, 2008 at 11:19PM View BBCode

Did you read the first post?

November 02, 2008 at 11:25PM View BBCode

Originally posted by FuriousGiorge
Did you read the first post?

Of course he didn't read the first post - Giorge I'm disappointed in you.

November 02, 2008 at 11:27PM View BBCode

That's a very good point. You will never go broke underestimating Happy.

November 02, 2008 at 11:32PM View BBCode

I thought I had Ripken in there. He was in my head and in my heart of course

November 03, 2008 at 12:32AM View BBCode

its a nonissue about who is better, its a nonissue that baseball players think otherwise. This whole thing? nothingness. Everyone with baseball knowledge knows for unquestionable fact that A-Rod is better, and that baseball players shouldnt be in charge of judging themselves.

November 03, 2008 at 12:44AM View BBCode

Originally posted by FuriousGiorge
Should have? What is this, tiddlywinks? There's no "should have".

But teh 9-11s!!11!!!!11!1

November 03, 2008 at 12:58AM View BBCode

Originally posted by happy
also, this whole thread is a nonissue. Not only is A-Rod a way better offensive player than Jeter, Jeter shouldve moved to 3rd when A-Rod got to NY.

Wouldn't they have been better of moving him to second? I forget who they had there at the time (Soriano?).

[Edited on 11-3-2008 by Cubsfan13]

November 03, 2008 at 01:20AM View BBCode

Originally posted by happy
its a nonissue about who is better, its a nonissue that baseball players think otherwise. This whole thing? nothingness. Everyone with baseball knowledge knows for unquestionable fact that A-Rod is better, and that baseball players shouldnt be in charge of judging themselves.

So is it your contention that baseball players have no baseball knowledge ?

Because 13 of 16 disagree with your contention that "Everyone with baseball knowledge knows for unquestionable fact that A-Rod is better".

Do you read this stuff while you're typing it ?

I know that simulated game players are much more knowledgeable than those that actually play the game but ......... no knowledge ?

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