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Tiger Woods statement/ apology

February 19, 2010 at 04:20PM View BBCode

Sounded good, very scripted. Just wished he had done it sooner...probably would still have his endorsments. Well most of them anyway.

February 19, 2010 at 04:24PM View BBCode

"Sounded good, very scripted"

What? What what what?

February 19, 2010 at 04:45PM View BBCode

It was your basic, to-be-expected, "Im sorry for the things I've done" speech. Come on, I know you expected the same thing. I was waiting on him to say, "I'm a sex addict and need help", but I knew better.

February 19, 2010 at 04:45PM View BBCode

although I don't really care...

that's tiger. he's a very pragmatic guy, and it was pretty much what I'd expected.

I hope he's hit rock bottom and figures out how to stay faithful to his wife.

I really don't want to hear from him until he plays golf again.

February 19, 2010 at 04:55PM View BBCode

This is how low our expectations are now? That a famous person makes a scripted, half-assed apology, refuses to answer questions, spends about half of his time "apologizing" bitching about the media, and that's good enough? What you're saying, basically, is that you know his apology is insincere, but you're glad he made it because it'll sucker enough rubes into thinking he's actually going to change his behavior, and he can get back out on the golf course and make millions of dollars again.

February 19, 2010 at 05:05PM View BBCode

I don't believe that's what I said at all.

It's none of my business, quite frankly, and what I said was, I don't really care.

He didn't break the law, he didn't break golf's rules. It's between him and his wife.

February 19, 2010 at 05:28PM View BBCode

He's not apologizing to the PGA, and he's not apologizing to his wife. He's apologizing to his sponsors. The reason he feels the need to apologize is because the public thinks he's a scumbag, and therefore his ability to pitch products and make gobs and gobs of money is compromised. Whether or not you (or I, or anyone) thinks he needs to apologize is kind of irrelevant. But when he makes a phony apology, if that's good enough to get him back into the public's good graces, we move one step closer to Idiocracy. My gut instinct is that this "apology" is going to be seen mostly for what it is, as a cynical and transparently phony thing.

[Edited on 2-19-2010 by FuriousGiorge]

February 19, 2010 at 05:51PM View BBCode


February 19, 2010 at 08:34PM View BBCode

Did it occur to anyone that it's his life? His private life? He owes the public, the press or the PGA nothing. Not an explanation, not an apology...nothing.

February 19, 2010 at 08:36PM View BBCode

It never occurred to anyone, no.

February 19, 2010 at 08:42PM View BBCode

ABDREW, I actually think his golf game is his own private life too. If him and his friends want to go out and play a few rounds of golf at the masters, that's their business, why do we need to know who won?

February 19, 2010 at 08:47PM View BBCode

"It's my life, my private life dammit! It's no one's business! Now go and buy this stick of deodorant that I put my name to."

February 19, 2010 at 08:53PM View BBCode

"It's my party and I'll cheat if I want to, cheat if I want to..."

February 19, 2010 at 09:16PM View BBCode

"I am Tiger Woods, Please insert girder"

February 19, 2010 at 10:41PM View BBCode

all I know is: I won't be watching espn for a week.

I went to my "multiview" and 6 espn channels were showing the apology live.

what a bunch of morons. there will be endless "commentary" and opinion 24/7 by these boobs.

February 19, 2010 at 10:55PM View BBCode

Yeah, he's still just a golfer with too much money, right? I mean, I've been pretty much ignoring this thing because, well, of that whole he's just a fucking golfer thing, but I might revisit this thing if you guys think I should.

[Edited on 2/19/2010 by sycophantman]

February 19, 2010 at 10:58PM View BBCode

if i ever form a combo, it'll be the Revisiters.

(stand up bass, ukelele and snare drums)

February 20, 2010 at 04:42PM View BBCode

I was unaware that the "Golf Writers of America" guild existed until it was pointed out that they had boycotted the event .

My bad, I guess .

February 21, 2010 at 12:29AM View BBCode

lol... event.

February 21, 2010 at 01:10AM View BBCode

Originally posted by ABDREW
Did it occur to anyone that it's his life? His private life? He owes the public, the press or the PGA nothing. Not an explanation, not an apology...nothing.

You and I owe the public nothing. Tiger has accepted millions and millions of dollars based upon a clean cut image of being a great golfer who has a beautiful wife and family that he is devoted to. He has been paid millions and millions of dollars because of his clean image. Having that image exposed as a fraud as it has been certainly merits an apology.

The "apology" itself is clearly worthless. It was insincere, forced and as FG commented earlier, spent much of the time chiding the media for doing its job.

Lets be clear here, I'm sympathetic to the idea that those who are famous shouldn't have to be pursued by pavarazzi every hour of every day. I'm sympathetic to the idea that they should be able to go out to eat and not have to sign autographs every 5 second, 5 minutes or even every 5 hours. On the other hand, most of these people have elected to pursue a career that earns them more money in a year than most people will see in a lifetime. They have chosen to pursue fame and all its riches and benefits and to then say that they want the benefits without the drawbacks is ridiculous.

February 21, 2010 at 01:58AM View BBCode

did you buy a buick because of tiger's squeaky clean image, bryan?

he owes you, and the press, and the public absolutely nothing.

he owes his wife and family an apology, and his sponsors, who paid him, for tarnishing their image by his sleezy behavior.

that was a silly post on your part.

what have you lost by this scandal? nothing, that's what.

and you know this apology is worthless how? you're an apology expert? a public statement expert?

as your buddy, bill o'reilly, would say, "no bloviating".

I love sanctimonious, judgmental statements like yours.

He's been paid millions and millions because he is the greatest golfer most of us have ever seen. Those companies and tournaments and fellow golfers made millions off of him.

who gives a ratsass what tiger woods does? Get off your high horse.

the press doing their job by following his child around? his wife? mother?

I'm glad your's is not the voice of what a responsible press should be. The whole thing is salacious, and the only reason the press has pursued it is to make money by selling papers and ad space on their websites and tv shows.

eldrick ain't the only one making millions here. wake up and smell the coffee.

February 21, 2010 at 04:10AM View BBCode

Tiger's endorsements are about more than just how well he plays golf. That's why so many sponsors have dumped him. Don't be naive.

February 21, 2010 at 04:51AM View BBCode

well, I live a pretty clean life, and there ain't nobody lining up to give me $$$.

I know that the image is important, and I mentioned that he needs to apologize to his sponsors for his sleezy behavior. (you did READ my post didn't ya?).

I actually disagree with Ernie Els about Tiger's timing of this public appearance. I think he planned it FOR Assensure's tourney to draw attention to it. It was one of the sponsors who dumped him, and the apology was aimed directly at them.

Would anyone have even acknowledged that tourney had Woods not had his little mea culpa?

February 21, 2010 at 06:46AM View BBCode

you are, i assume, being facetious?

February 21, 2010 at 07:45AM View BBCode

in no way shape or form.

I'm a conspiracy nutjob, remember?

I wouldn't put it past the most pragmatic and wealthiest athlete of all time to have a plan while in the middle of a sleaze storm.

There's only 3 explanations for the timing of his "press conference":

1) totally random.
2) he wanted to screw Accensure.
3) he wanted Accensure to see him up close and "vulnerable".

With the exception of his sexual partners over the past few years, every single solitary aspect of his life has been on a schedule, and extremely well thought out. He was playing to the sponsors, not us.

Think about it: why else would he not take Q's? If he did, the sleaze would be dragged out into public again. He showed confidence, defiance, and was completely unemotional. Questions would have caught him off guard, and would have forced him to be evasive. Either that, or he would have to be honest or lie. None of those choices was a good one. Only by being in complete control could he begin to gain control of his image. And with Tiger, as Giorge said, image is extremely important.

This was a cold, calculated, business decision, plain and simple. Accensure was fine with his decision on the timing. It brought their name into the spotlight, and drew attention to their golf tournament.

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