February 01, 2012 at 05:10PM View BBCode
It's 1958, which means I've been in this league 8 full seasons and I still don't know when the games run.
I mean I know where to find out but I am always surprised when I log on and we have, or haven't, played a game recently.
February 08, 2012 at 12:12AM View BBCode
So, the new guy gets to learn things the hard way, is that it?
On 16-Jun, I made a trade that involved sending more players than I got back. I didn't realize that it was gonna leave my roster with less than 40 players.
And that I was gonna get a salary adjustment.
And that it was gonna put my team over the salary cap.
Which would cause them to play worse.
I just thought we weren't very good.
Anyhow, I saw the adjustment today, while looking at salaries, so that I could post a few players since we're not gonna be getting back into the AL race.
Let's pretend like I did that - that I said I'd trade rent-a-players to contenders for the stretch run.
Instead, I went to find a couple of cheap minor leaguers and get my roster back to 40 guys.
I'll try to remember that roster size thing.
February 08, 2012 at 12:25AM View BBCode
oooops sorry shar. Its a very busy week for me here and I haven't had the time to check on things like that and I apologize for not catching your problem.
February 08, 2012 at 02:04AM View BBCode
I'm not complaining. I've learning something important, right? That's a good thing.
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